Bridging process

BRC-20 to ERC-20 bridging flow

  1. The user begins the transfer process by indicating the BRC-20 asset they wish to bridge, specifying the amount of tokens for the bridge, and providing their Ethereum token receiving address.

  2. Following the initiation of the transfer, the user is required to inscribe a custom 'transfer' inscription, containing the token ticker, amount, and the Ethereum token receiving address.

  3. Once inscribed, the user needs to transfer the BRC-20 tokens to the ORFY Bridge wallet.

  4. The user is required to wait for validators to verify and confirm the transfer.

  5. After the transfer is verified on the Bitcoin chain, users can then claim wrapped tokens on the Ethereum chain.

Note: Only the Ethereum address provided during the inscription process as the ETH token receiving address will be eligible to claim it.

ERC-20 to BRC-20 bridging flow

  1. The user initiates the transfer process by indicating the quantity of ERC-20 tokens to be converted back into the Bitcoin chain as a BRC-20.

  2. ORFY Bridge validates the user's token balance to ensure that they have a sufficient amount to proceed with the transfer.

  3. User broadcasts the transaction on the Ethereum blockchain to burn their wrapped ERC-20 tokens.

  4. The user is required to wait for validators to verify and confirm the transaction on Ethereum blockchain.

  5. Once the burn transaction is confirmed on the Ethereum mainnet, the 'transfer' inscription is initiated on the Bitcoin blockchain, and the user obtains his BRC-20 tokens.

Last updated